Cool-It is the eye-catching and functional water carafe that is also suitable for other drinks. For connoisseurs Rig-Tig has a real hit with the Cool-It carafe is a real hit. Because cold drinks can be stored in it in the refrigerator and the cool water can be served in no time at all. With its elegant shape and unusual closure, it also cuts a fine figure on the table. Cool-It also cuts a fine figure on the table.
In the Rig-Tig Cool-It carafe, drinks can be refined and mixed to your own taste: with cucumber sticks, ginger, lime, apple, peppermint... there are no limits to your own taste, and with a capacity of 1.5 litres, even the biggest thirsts can be quenched.
Francis Cayouette has designed the Cool-It Francis Cayouette designed the water carafe for Rig-Tig. The intelligent closure works with a ball that can simply be tilted down to open and finds its way back to the opening of the bottle to close.